Job Description: Production Assistants in New York City

It is no secret that in order to make a successful event happen smoothly, you need your team to be a well-oiled machine. This means that everyone has to work effectively, communicate constantly and be prepared to improvise where necessary to make an event happen fluidly. There are so many moving parts that make an event happen from the prep and strategizing portions, to the day of set up to the strike or tear down once the event is done. One of the roles primarily responsible for an event running seamlessly in New York City is a Production Assistant. 

What does a Production Assistant do?

By definition a production assistant works on a set or on an event to support the entire crew and communicate to help events run seamlessly from set up all the way to strike. Production Assistants, or PA’s as they are affectionately referred to as, always have to be flexible and have a can-do will-do attitude. This is especially helpful with events as things can change at the drop of a hat and having a good attitude can make the experience so much better for everyone involved. It truly is a non-negotiable. They are professional at all times and are always great communicators. Their role entails being responsible for organization, back end strategizing, front end customer service and, in some cases, even some heavy lifting. They are both the brains and brawn of an event. 

The true role of a PA is a stress-alleviator for the company, and that is, truly, priceless. Have something that went awry behind the scenes that is slowing down the entire event? Call the PA. Have a display that looks wonky and isn’t selling the products as fast as you know it should? Call the PA. Is a vendor late or in the wrong location and you really have to run to the front? Call the PA. They should be the first person at an event and the last one to leave. It doesn’t matter if it is a tiny event in someone’s backyard or a multi-million dollar event for a huge company at a music festival-the PA is there to help ease your stress and promise a seamless set up tailored to what you want at your event.  

You can have them report directly to you or the event manager/coordinator; whatever makes the most sense for each event. They, overall, are the backbone of the event and should be the first person the vendors go to when they need assistance.

Load In and Set Up

The load in is really what determines if an event is going to run smoothly or not. If you start with a solid foundation, your event is more likely to run smoothly. Load in can consist of setting up equipment, décor, products or supplies to the venue itself. Sometimes this means heavy lifting or setting up tables and chairs or prepping the venue in any way for the event. Sometimes this means decorating signage or just ensuring that everything necessary is in its correct home before the event is set to begin. When you have a PA or a team of PA’s at your event, they are able to handle the facilitation of the entire load in from start to finish so you don’t have to lift a finger. 

During the Event 

During the event itself, PA’s will be smooth operators, ensuring the event is seamless by coordinating with any event planners, assistants and vendors so you don’t have to and can actually enjoy the event you have worked so hard to make happen. This also ensures that vendors and suppliers make it to their designated location to make their deliveries and set up on time and in the right location so as to not set the day or event back in any way. Tasks as seemingly minor as clearing away the trash or restocking supplies before they run out really add up as the event goes on and if you aren’t on top of them from the jump, the floor of the event or the set up can look very messy very quickly. A messy floor/event results in fewer sales and less postings on social media which directly and negatively impacts sales and social proof. A beautiful set up ensures results. PA’s working behind the scenes to stay on top of the trash, replenishing supplies, addressing any issues that arise and overall ensuring the space is well maintained and organized at all times really truly makes a difference, not only in event appearance and flow, but also in stress for you. Their influence on an event is immeasurable.

By allowing the PA to be the point of contact for vendors and suppliers at the event allows you to have more time to be present and less time to be stressed at the event. They wear many hats as far as guest assistance goes and can also provide directions, assistance, information or just communication while you are focused on enjoying the event.  

The Strike or Load Out

Now, the fun doesn’t stop once the guests leave. The strike or load out is the final third of the event. With all the planning, the set up and the event itself, you will be tired. Even if everything runs smoothly, events are draining and the last thing you want to think about after hours on your feet is the anticipation of more hours on your feet to tear everything down and clean up. PA’s help from start to finish and will help break down and effectively organize once the event has concluded. This means dismantling equipment, removing décor, meeting with vendors, picking up items, cleaning up set ups or organizing product, as well as packing up items, loading them into vehicles and overall, just ensuring the venue is returned to pristine condition and left better than they found it. They are responsible for facilitating the entire clean-up process by working efficiently and wrapping up the event because from start to finish, the PA has you covered, and with a smile.

All in all, does my event need a PA?

Whether the event is big or small, long or short, the effect of a PA is immeasurable. Their role involves sharing responsibilities and being an extension of your brand, without you personally having to worry about every little detail. Not only are the PA’s facilitating communication, organization and personal assistance, but they are doing manual labor as well. They have to be physically fit, have great customer service skills and great attention to detail (because every detail matters to us at Elevate) but, above all else, be adaptable and a team player. Having a team of knowledgeable and experienced PA’s takes your event to new levels. Once you use them, you won’t be able to imagine an event without them.


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